Our Loyalty Club
When you become a member of our Loyalty Club, it's all about giving back to you. Every time you shop, whether it's online or in-store, we reward you with Loyalty Points based on a percentage of your total spending. To put it in perspective, $1 in spending gets you 10 Loyalty Points.
Your Loyalty Points are tallied for each shopping session, considering the total amount you spent at checkout before factoring in taxes and discounts. And the best part? You can start using your Loyalty Points once you've hit the 500-point mark.
Now, it's important to know that store credit can't be combined with other discounts or used for sale items. When you're at the checkout, you'll have to make a choice – either use your store credit or opt for a discounted sale price; you can't do both. Also, remember that your store credit can't be spent on the very same day it's added to your account.
But that's not all! There are even more ways to earn extra points in our system. You can leave a Google review, follow us on social media, create an account with us, share your birthday with us, or simply bring in your own shopping bag.
Your Loyalty Point rewards are stored safely in your customer account, and here's where it gets interesting. You have three choices on how to use them:
You can use them to reduce the cost of future purchases, making your shopping more budget-friendly. Save them up for special holiday spending. It's a great way to treat yourself or your loved ones during the festive season.
Alternatively, you can convert them into a gift card, which can be a thoughtful present for someone special in your life.
Just a heads up, your Loyalty Points have a shelf life – they expire 364 days after you receive them. So, make sure to use them before they slip away. We want to make sure you get the most out of your loyalty to our store.
Loyalty points hold no cash value, not redeemable for cash, store credit only valued at online shop at www.YsletaMissionGiftShop.com or our physical store located at 131 S. Zaragoza Rd El Paso, TX. 79907.
Earning Extra Loyalty Points with us is easy, and there are various ways to do it. Here's a breakdown of how you can accumulate points:
Making a Purchase:For every dollar spent, customers earn 10 Loyalty Points. So, the more you shop, the more points you earn.
Creating an Account:Simply creating an account with us comes with a bonus. Customers earn a solid 100 Loyalty Points just for signing up.
Completing Your Profile:Take a moment to complete your profile, including details like your gender and birthday. When you do, you'll receive 100 Loyalty Points as a thank you.
Celebrating Your Birthday: Birthdays are special, and to make them even better, we gift you 500 Loyalty Points on your special day.
Reviewing a Product: Sharing your thoughts with a product review not only helps others but also rewards you with 50 Loyalty Points.
Acting Sustainably: We appreciate your eco-friendly efforts. When you bring in a reusable shopping bag, you'll earn 50 Loyalty Points.
Connecting on Social Media:
- Liking on Facebook: When you like our Facebook page, you'll receive 100 Loyalty Points.
- Following on Instagram: Following us on Instagram is worth 100 Loyalty Points.
As you can see, there are numerous opportunities to earn Loyalty Points, whether it's through shopping, account activities, sustainability efforts, or engaging with us on social media. It's our way of saying thank you for being a part of our community and showing your support. Happy earning!
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